A rose for my books

I hoarded a number of books last month and the month before. Because I'm frequently engaged with academic chores, I have not leafed a page.

At last, my college life is drawing to an end; In fact, I will be graduating this April. :D

I am supposed to graduate with honors actually. But because I dallied last sem and all my grades plunged, I have to bear with the fact that come this April, I will be seated in the far rows just because my surname begins with letter "R." Raine. Why do they always arrange objects (and even human beings) alphabetically? I wish my dad's surname is Aine. Then people will call me Vivienne Aine. That way, even if I will not graduate with honors, I will still be seated in front. Now I'm beginning to regret my irresponsibility and laziness last semester. I wish I passed my requirements on time. I wish I browsed my notes before taking an exam. I wish I woke up early so I would never be late. I never aimed to graduate with several medallions dangling in my neck---just now---only now after I have realized that graduating with honors will make my relatives happy and proud.

Anyway, I'm quite depressed. I'm hitting my keyboard to alleviate my pain. I also decided to get a blog so I can wander around and get some stuff to read in times like this when I am so bored with my life!

Tulle Walls

Damp again
with trickles
dirt heaping at the base
screen of dust
you sieve
walls, lightly swaying
in the room